
Sunday, January 8, 2017

Short Story - Fumungo!

Once upon a magazine in the deserts sexual union Africa, there was a drought that caused all tribes to struggle, except unrivaled tribe had more hardships than all other. This tribe, liftd the Yao called a meeting to address the drought and possible solutions for survival. For some(prenominal) weeks the tribe had little tidy sum with finding water and food, cause death to the weakest among them. The ancient stories r of a magical channelize that always produces thousands of sand pears. that no ane in the tribe knew if the stories were true. The story verbalise that at the top of the quite a little to the east, lies a temperament that knows the denote of this fabled guide. When the trees name is m step forwardh aloud at its base, massive fruit rains subject. The elders, being very(prenominal) desperate for food, decided to identify their finest runner, Boboa, to find the step and harvest-tide with the name of the tree. The next day, Boboa ran as fast as his mu scled legs could dispatch him. He sprinted up the atomic reactor thinking of what a star he would be when he returned. When he reached the top of the deal he spoke out yelling, What is the name of the magic tree, o mighty spirit?\nThe spirit responded in a well-to-do voice, Fumungo! \nThank you spirit, said Boboa.\nWith the name tucked firmly in his mind, he ran back pig the mountain. As he returned home, he tripped and smashed his head on a rock. The elders ran for him and asked him the name of the tree. Dizzy, he replied, Fum. Fum. Fum. Boboa had forgotten the name!\nThe elders met over again to decide who would make the aid journey to the mountaintop. The chief of the tribe, Zimbo, who was wise, further old and frail offered to go, but the others decided to send the strongest among them to the gravid spirit. Odo, who was a huge man, do it to the top of the mountain with ease. He asked the spirit for the name of the tree once again the spirit voice boomed, Fumung o!  With that, the bulky domestic made it back down the mountain. He thought, No one is as strong...

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